Tag: sink

Kitchen Faucets

So what got removed here?


Problem – Leaky Faucet

This kitchen had a Belfast sink installed. (Also known as a Butler sink or Farmhouse sink.) These are porcelain / china kitchen sinks, very large, very tough, very heavy. They sit on a wooden framework, to support their weight.  The faucets were recessed into the wood behind the sink.

In order to replace the faucets, the sink has to be slid out, so you can get at the faucets from underneath.

hammer and ratcheting wrenches from www.ladiestoolkit.com

Hammer and Ratcheting Wrench Set.

Problem – STUCK!

The installer had stuck the sink to the wooden frame with a sealing compound that had set hard. This was totally unnecessary as these types of sink do not move, once installed.

Adjustable wrench from www.ladiestoolkit.comBreak It?

One option was to break the sink, which would have required another to replace it – very expensive and it would have needed to be the same style to match the fittings. Also, the broken pieces are very sharp and it would have been difficult to remove the parts that were stuck on with the sealing compound.

Solution – Very Labour Intensive

The solution was to use very thin double-edged files, knives and eventually a thin bladed paint scraper plus a hammer to break the sealing compound. This was about 2 hours tough work.

Eighteen Years

The sides of the sink had 18 years of grime on them but it cleaned up very well with a little rubbing and dish soap, which shows how durable they are.


Tools Used

Adjustable Wrench, various sockets, Hammer, files, thin knife